Kate floating in the clear turquoise waters of Belize, enjoying the sunshine. This photo captures the best time to visit Belize for a relaxing and sunny getaway.

Best Time to Visit Belize: For Weather, Festivals, & Wildlife

Wondering what’s the best time to visit Belize? Well, it all boils down to what you’re after.

Having jetted over to Belize every year for the last four years and experienced several of its seasons firsthand, I can assure you there’s no wrong time, but there are better times!

If you’re all about soaking up that sunshine and scoring the best beach days, aim for the dry season from December to May. But if dodging crowds and snagging killer deals sounds like your jam, then the rainy season from June to November is your best bet.

But wait! There’s so much more to consider before you choose!

I’m going to break down the prime times for water activities, spotting amazing wildlife, and attending awesome festivals, all based on my own adventures.

Ready to figure out the best time for your epic Belize adventure?

Great! Let’s go…

Kate is sitting in the cockpit of a small plane, flying over the turquoise waters of Belize, with islands visible through the plane windows.

Key Takeaways

  • Optimal Seasons: Choose the dry season (December to May) for endless sunshine and prime beach weather or the rainy season (June to November) for lush landscapes and fewer crowds.
  • Special Events: Time your visit to coincide with unique cultural events like the Lobster Fest in June or the Independence Day celebrations and Chocolate Fest in September for a deeper dive into Belizean culture.
  • Wildlife Watching: The best times to see whale sharks are from March to June, while the dry season is ideal for spotting elusive jaguars in their natural habitat.
  • Adventure Opportunities: The dry months offer the best conditions for outdoor activities such as scuba diving and exploring ancient Mayan ruins, thanks to clearer skies and lower water levels in caves.
  • Travel Deals: For the best deals on accommodation and tours, consider traveling during the low season, when prices drop significantly due to decreased tourist traffic.
  • Bucket List Wonders: No matter when you decide to visit, Belize is a treasure trove of once-in-a-lifetime experiences, ensuring a memorable experience. From scuba diving in the Great Blue Hole to a day trip to Tikal, you’ll be sure to check off some major bucket list dreams.

Before you buzz on down to Belize there are a few very important things you should know before you go! Read this post, “21 Must-Know Belize Travel Tips for First-Time Visitors,” next!

Kate sitting by a window in Belize, looking out at the turquoise waters and sailboats. She is wearing a white shirt, denim shorts, and a white cap, enjoying the beautiful view and relaxed atmosphere.

Everything You Need to Know to Choose The Best Time to Visit Belize

Determining the best time to visit Belize involves considering several factors like weather, tourist seasons, and local events. Let’s get into the specifics.

Weather in Belize

Belize has a subtropical climate with warm temperatures year-round.

The weather typically varies from 70°F to 88°F, making it a great destination no matter when you decide to visit.

However, the country does experience distinct wet and dry seasons, which can influence your activities, especially if you’re into outdoor adventures like hiking or scuba diving.

Month-by-Month Breakdown of Belize Weather

Each month in Belize offers something unique, so whether you’re looking to lounge on the beaches or party with the locals, there’s a perfect time for your travel style.

Alright, let’s break it down month-by-month to help you plan the ultimate Belize getaway:


Kick off the year with some of the chilliest (but still warm!) weather in Belize. It’s part of the dry season, so expect sunny days perfect for exploring the Mayan ruins or chilling beachside. Just know that this is one of the windiest months, especially in the Cayes.


Still riding that dry season wave, February offers great weather for all your outdoor adventures. It’s also a quieter month, so you can enjoy less crowded spots. You can still expect it to be pretty windy.


March heats up a bit more but keeps that dry season weather. It’s an ideal time for diving and snorkeling as the water is super clear.


The heat cranks up a notch in April, making it the beginning of the hottest months. You’ll want to hit the beaches or dive into the cool waters of the Barrier Reef to beat the heat.


This month marks the transition from the dry to the wet season. You might see a few more rain showers, but they’re usually quick and followed by sunshine.


Welcome to the wet season! June brings more rain but also lush green landscapes and the start of lobster season – a must for foodies.


Rainy days are more common in July, but don’t let that stop you. The showers often make way for stunning afternoons, and there are plenty of cultural festivals to enjoy.


The rain sticks around, but so do the vibrant festivities and lower prices. It’s a great time for those looking to explore without breaking the bank.


September sees some of the heaviest rains, but it’s also when Belize celebrates its Independence Day with lots of festivities. It’s a unique time to experience the local culture.


The rain starts to taper off, and the weather begins to cool down a bit, making it more comfortable to explore the great outdoors.


As the wet season winds down, the weather in November is a mix of occasional showers and returning dry spells, perfect for those looking to dodge the high season crowds.


The dry season is back, and so is the perfect beach weather! December is also festive, with holiday celebrations adding extra sparkle to your travels.

Kate standing in front of an ancient Mayan pyramid in Belize, arms outstretched and smiling. She is wearing a sun hat and a light dress, enjoying the historical site and lush green surroundings on a bright day.

Belize’s Distinct Seasons

Belize’s got two main seasons when it comes to weather: a sunshine-packed dry season from December through May, and a lush, rainy season from June to November.

Each season brings its own unique perks and challenges that can greatly alter your experience, so let’s break it down:

The Dry Season (November – April)

Belize’s dry season runs from late November through April.

This period offers continuously sunny skies and mild temperatures, perfect for beach days and exploring the reefs.

The drier months are also prime time for caving adventures, as lower water levels mean you can access caves that are off-limits during the wet season.

Just know that it’s also the peak time for tourism, so expect more company on popular tours.

From December through February, you’ll experience sporadic gusts of wind known as “northers,” especially in the Cayes. Luckily, these are warm winds that are easily tolerated.

The perks of visiting during the dry season include:
  • Consistent sunshine
  • Temperature rise and diminishing clouds offer prime conditions for outdoor activities.
  • Winds that bring comfort especially from December to February

The Hurricane/Rainy Season (June-November)

Don’t be too quick to write off the wet season. There’s a special attraction when it comes to visiting Belize during this time.

Imagine being surrounded by an explosion of lush greenery and experiencing all that with fewer visitors around – quite appealing, isn’t it?

Plus, you’ll score the bonus of snagging some sweeter deals on prices!

There’s an interesting twist with Belize offering what’s known as a ‘little dry’ in August. There’s a slight break from summer rains.

So if trading occasional rain showers for cost savings and witnessing lush beauty sounds like your ideal time to visit, consider planning your trip during Belize’s rainy months.

The perks of visiting during the rainy season:
  • Fewer crowds
  • Cheaper prices
  • August offers a sight break from the rain known as the “little dry”

Kate crouching on a sandy beach in Belize, extending her hand towards a pelican. She is smiling and wearing a sun hat, with beach lounge chairs and palm trees in the background during sunset.

High, Low, and Shoulder Seasons: What to Expect

Belize’s appeal fluctuates with its tourist seasons, which align closely with its weather patterns.

Let’s dive into the various travel seasons in Belize and what to expect with each:

High Season in Belize

The peak season which is also Belize’s dry season, stretches from December through April and often results in elevated costs and an increase in tourists.

This season promises warm, sunny days that is perfect for outdoor activities and exploring its stunning landscapes, made even more perfect by lower humidity levels.

During this window, the peak times are the holiday season, along with March and April, when conditions are driest and visibility for snorkeling and scuba diving is at its best.

Key Point: If you’re after pleasant temperatures, lots of sunshine, and lower humidity, and don’t mind a few extra tourists around, then these months are the perfect time for you to visit Belize.

Low Season in Belize

Conversely, the period spanning May to October is considered the low season and aligns with the raining season.

Opting to travel to Belize during this season can be a wise decision if your seeking better deals. During the low season in Belize, you can often find deals on lodging and excursions as prices tend to drop.

You’ll also notice a significant decrease in tourist numbers, which opens up opportunities for more authentic encounters with Belize’s sights and locals. This means you can enjoy uninterrupted photography sessions and explore freely without the crowds.

Key Point: If you’re looking for a more authentic experience, are budget-oriented and can tolerate occasional rainfall, this off-peak season could be the best time to visit Belize.

Shoulder Season in Belize

May and early November are considered shoulder seasons.

These months offer a sweet spot where you can still enjoy warm temperatures while taking advantage of reduced rates and fewer tourists crowding popular sites.

This results in a more enjoyable vacation that’s both laid-back and easier on your wallet – a combination thats hard to beat.

Key Point: If you’re aiming for that perfect balance of great weather, fewer tourists, and lower prices, then the shoulder season could be the best time to visit Belize.

Two scuba divers diving along a vibrant coral reef in Belize, exploring the underwater world during the best time to visit Belize for clear waters and abundant marine life.

The Best time for Activities and Experiences in Belize

Belize offers some of the most incredible bucket list worthy activities and experiences. I’d hate for you to miss out so let’s explore when to visit for the ultimate experiences, ensuring your adventure is nothing short of spectacular!

Best Time for Snorkeling and Diving

Should underwater exploration excite you, Belize will meet your expectations with flying colors.

The best time to indulge in snorkeling and scuba diving is between the months of March and June, when conditions are best.

The allure isn’t just from the warm waters that hover around 84 degrees F, but also stems from excellent visibility ranging between 60 to 100 feet beneath the surface.

Best Time to See Whale Sharks

The best time to see whale sharks in Belize is from the end of March to June, especially around the full moon.

During these months, the gentle giants congregate around the Gladden Spit area off the coast of Placencia. The snapper are spawning, which attracts these magnificent creatures in search of a feast.

If swimming with whale sharks is on your bucket list then plan to visit Belize on a full moon at the end of March through June.

Best Time to See Jaguars

The best time to spot jaguars in Belize is during the dry season, particularly from late February through May.

This is when water sources in the forest are scarcer, prompting these elusive big cats to frequent known watering holes, making them slightly easier to observe.

The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, known as the world’s first jaguar preserve, is the prime location for jaguar sightings.

Early mornings or late evenings are typically the most successful times to catch a glimpse of these majestic creatures.

Best Time to Explore the Mayan Ruins

To get the most out of your visit to these archaeological treasures, I recommend to plan your trip during the dry season between February and April.

If you’re a history buff, make sure to include the Maya ruins in your Belize itinerary.

Visiting these ancient sites in the early morning can help you avoid larger crowds and also offers cooler, more comfortable weather for exploring these fascinating sites.

Kate learning to clean conch shells on a boat in Belize. She is holding up the conch meat and smiling.

Lobster and Conch Season

Sampling local cuisine is a highlight of any trip, and Belize is no exception, especially with its celebrated seafood seasons.

Starting June 1st through February 28th, lobster season offers the opportunity for you to enjoy fresh, tasty lobster dishes in a variety of ways. You’ll even have the opportunity to catch your own.

But the seafood delights don’t end with lobster.

October 1st through June 30th, is conch season in Belize, tempting foodies with a variety of tasty dishes like conch soup, crispy conch fritters, and my favorite, conch ceviche.

If you’re a seafood lover, plan your visit during these seasons for a truly memorable culinary experience in Belize.

Kate smiling and holding a large lobster while wearing a yellow bikini top and a wide-brimmed sun hat. She's standing on a sandy street in Belize with colorful signs and people in the background.

Festivals and Cultural Events to Consider in Belize

Belize is not just full of natural wonders and historic marvels. It’s also brimming with vibrant culture.

Belize’s cultural landscape is richly woven with various festivals during what’s considered the low season. Events like the May Chocolate Festival and the lobster festivals in July provide deep, enriching experiences for you to immerse yourself in Belizean traditions.

To truly experience the spirited side of Belizean life, plan your journey during these eventful times when local customs come alive with celebration.

  • June 12-19th: San Pedro Lobster Fest
  • July 1st, 2nd & 3rd: Caye Caulker Lobster Fest
  • July 30-31st: Belize International Food and Music Festival, San Pedro
  • September 1st -3rd: Belikin Beer Bash, Belize City
  • September 9th: Chocolate Fest, Belize City
  • October 12th -14th: Hike & Bike the Rainforest, Cayo area

Worst Time to Visit Belize

There’s really no wrong time to visit Belize, but if you prefer to avoid wet weather, it’s wise to steer clear of the months from June through November. This period coincides with both the hurricane season and the rainiest times of the year, which might dampen your travel plans if you’re looking to stay dry.

Although tropical storms in this timeframe usually aren’t drastic enough to completely spoil a vacation day in Belize, they can cause delays or even cancellations of some activities if there’s persistent rainfall.

If you have a tight schedule and want to reduce the risk of activity cancellations due to bad weather from tropical storms, it’s important to consider this when planning your trip.

Kate posing by a large, colorful "Secret Beach" sign on a sandy beach in Belize. She is wearing a white top, denim shorts, and a wide-brimmed sun hat, embodying a relaxed, beachy vibe. The background features palm trees, beach umbrellas, and a clear blue sky.

Most Popular Destinations and When to Visit

Selecting your destination in Belize can seem daunting given the abundance of attractions. I’m here to simplify that for you.

Ambergris Caye

Belize’s largest island is famed for its lively nightlife scene. Tourists often flock here, making it quite the hotspot. If you’re looking to experience Ambergris Caye at its best, plan your trip during the dry season between December and May. This time offers the best beach weather, perfect for basking in the sun and enjoying a variety of outdoor activities.

Caye Caulker

Caye Caulker is the charming and safer island to visit closest to Belize City. It’s known for its laid-back vibe and beautiful seascapes, which appeal especially to backpackers or those traveling on a tighter budget. As with Ambergris Caye, visiting during the dry season is the best.

San Ignacio

Located in the Cayo district of Western Belize. San Ignacio is the hub of adventures and close to many popular Mayan ruins. If you’re a history buff and want to explore archaeological sites, San Ignacio should definitely be on your itinerary.

The best time to visit is from February to April, when the weather is most suitable for jungle adventures and cave explorations.

Need help deciding which Island you should visit in Belize? Read my post, “CAYE CAULKER VS AMBERGRIS CAYE: WHICH ISLAND SHOULD YOU VISIT?

Or wondering how to get from Belize City to the Islands? Read my post, “HOW TO EASILY GET FROM BELIZE CITY TO SAN PEDRO AND CAYE CAULKER.”

Kate and her husband standing together on a rocky outcrop at the base of a powerful waterfall named Big Rock Falls, in Belize. Kate is wearing a bright yellow bikini while her husband is in swim trunks.

Best Resources for Planning Your Trip to Belize

These are my go-to resources and the first place I check when planning my epic adventures. They consistently provide the best deals and will help you stretch your travel dollar further.

Accommodations 🏨

My favorite accommodation booking sites are Hotels.com and VRBO! You start racking up One Key Cash from the get-go, which you can use for future bookings.

Flights & Car Rentals 🛩️ 🚗

Just a heads up – you can score even more One Key Cash by booking your flights and car rental through Expedia. It all adds up, so you can travel MORE!

Activities and Tours 🏝️

Looking for some fun things to do when you visit Belize? Check out GetYourGuide and Viator for all the best tours and activities. Plus, enjoy the peace of mind that you’ll get a full refund if things go sideways and your plans change.

Travel Insurance 🛄

If you’re thinking about scuba diving, caving, or any other crazy adventure in Belize, seriously, grab some travel insurance. I always use Safety Wing.

Travel Credit Card 💳

Rack up those points to slash your travel costs and tick more adventures off your bucket list! Here’s my favorite travel credit card that’ll help you earn free travel fast!

Packing Guide 🧳

Make sure you don’t forget anything with my complete, finely-tuned Belize Packing List!

Kate explores a bustling local market in San Ignacio Belize, wearing a sunhat and a blue backpack. She walks past colorful stalls displaying handmade crafts, fresh produce, and vibrant clothing. The market is lively with people shopping and interacting, capturing the essence of local culture.

FAQ’s: Best Time to Visit Belize

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions to help you plan your perfect Belize getaway.

If don’t see the answer to your question here, ask in the comments below and I’ll do my best to answer it for you!

The best month to visit Belize is either March or April when you can enjoy good weather, fewer crowds, and the best conditions for a variety of activities, especially snorkeling and scuba diving.

The rainy season in Belize runs from June to November, with the rainiest months being September and October.

Hurricane season in Belize coincides with the rainy season, extending from June through November, with a higher likelihood of tropical storms typically from August to October.

The hottest months in Belize are typically May and June, just before the onset of the rainy season when temperatures can climb significantly.

The best times to visit Belize for smaller crowds are during the shoulder months of May and November, when the weather is still pleasant but tourist traffic is lower.

The best time to see whale sharks in Belize is from the end of March to June, especially around the Gladden Spit area during the full moon.

The ideal time for scuba diving in Belize is during the dry season, from December to May, when visibility is at its best and the seas are calmest.

The cheapest time to travel to Belize is during the low season, from June to November, when you can find the best deals on accommodations and tours due to fewer tourists.

Absolutely! Belize is a treasure trove of incredible experiences in Central America.

It’s the perfect destination for ticking off bucket list adventures like scuba diving in the famous Blue Hole, to taking a day trip to the epic ruins of Tikal, and swimming alongside whale sharks. Whether you’re into underwater exploration, historical discovery, or just soaking in stunning views, Belize has it all.

Kate enjoys a relaxing moment with a beer at a wooden table overlooking the serene, turquoise waters in Belize. The setting sun casts a warm glow, and thatched umbrellas are in the water in the background.

That’s a Wrap: The Best Time to Visit Belize

And there you have it. By now you should know exactly when the best time to visit Belize is for you.

In this article, I’ve tailored the best time to whatever adventure calls your name. Whether you’re coming for the sun soaked shores, lush jungles or vibrant festivals, Belize promises an unforgettable experience.

Don’t just take my word for it. Come and see for yourself why Belize should be at the top of your travel Bucket list.

Talk to ya later!